Computer Users: How To Treat Your Dry Eye Condition

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Hello, I'm Patrick Jouls. When I went to take my driver's test, I was notified that my vision did not meet the requirements. Although I didn't feel like I had problems seeing, I made an appointment with the optometrist anyway. The eye exam revealed that I definitely needed corrective lenses, especially if I ever wanted to drive on public roadways. I spent a lot of time talking with the eye doctor about the equipment used to measure vision. The equipment is all specially designed to measure different aspects of eye health and vision strength to create a complete picture of the patient's sight abilities. I want to explore optometrist tools and practices in detail on this site. I hope that you will tag along to learn more about the equipment used to measure visual abilities. Thanks for coming to my website.


Computer Users: How To Treat Your Dry Eye Condition

10 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Dry eyes are usually just an annoyance for most people, but, in some cases, it can lead to serious eye health issues. Problems with dry eyes have grown more pronounced over the years as computer use has risen and more people spend hours staring at a bright computer screen for work and play. People who spending a lot of time on a computer tend to blink 66% less of the time than those who are not staring at a computer screen. Allowing your eyes to dry out can increase your risk of infections and inflammations, cornea damage, and blurred vision. Here is what you can do to keep your eyes moist while working on a computer for long periods of time during the day.

Take Regular Breaks

The main reason computer users don't blink is because they are concentrating on what's on the computer screen. This level of concentration almost mesmerizes you to the point where your normal biological function of blinking is disturbed.

The best thing to do is take breaks every 15-20 minutes or so. During the break, you can shut your eyes for a few seconds to make sure you they have time to re-hydrate them so they don't dry out. The key is for you to know when the time limit is reached for you to take a break. Here are a couple of options you can use to alert you to when you should take a break from looking at the computer screen:

  • Use an old fashioned sand timer. You should take a break when the sand runs out of the top of the timer. Once the break is over, flip the sand timer over and wait until the top part of the timer runs out of sand again before you take your next break.
  • Computer Stop Watches. There is software available where you can download a stop watch onto your computer. When you hear the small beeps (make sure to turn the volume down on the stop watch to not disturb your co-workers), you know it's time to take an eye break.

Lubricated Artificial Tears

Always have a bottle or two of lubricated artificial tears (eye drops) by your computer. One of the best types of eye drops for computer users who will be moisturizing their eyes regularly through the day are those that don't have any preservatives. Preservatives tend to irritate the eyes of some frequent artificial tear users.

The lubrication mimics the natural substances in your normal tears and helps keeps your eyes moist. The artificial tears also help to remove bacteria that can grow on your eyes and cause them to feel tired and sore.

For eye care services, contact a company such as Midwest Eye Care PC.